

The Chin Family Website (www.thechinfamily.hk) is owned and managed by the Investor Education Centre ("IEC"). The IEC provides a character-based conversion software (this Software) free of charge in this website. Permission is granted for users to use this Software to convert the web content from traditional Chinese character version to simplified Chinese character version. The IEC undertakes no liability for defects in this Software and gives no warranty in relation to its quality and performance and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the IEC shall have no such liability regarding the fitness for purpose, quality or merchantability of this Software, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise.

The IEC expressly states that it has not approved or endorsed the simplified Chinese character version of the web content and the IEC accepts no responsibility or liability (whatsoever and howsoever caused) for such simplified Chinese character version of the web content. The IEC also expressly states that this simplified Chinese character version of the website is solely established by converting the characters in the traditional Chinese character version via this Software, which involves no corresponding conversion between the terms and expressions used in the Hong Kong SAR and mainland China. The IEC accepts no responsibility or liability for the fitness of the content of the simplified Chinese character version. Under no circumstances should users treat the simplified Chinese character version of the web content as an equivalent of the traditional Chinese character version thereof. Users should verify the simplified Chinese character version of the web content by making reference to the published traditional Chinese character version thereof, and should at their own costs seek independent legal advice on the legal status, validity and effect of the simplified Chinese character version of the web content before relying or acting upon it.

If you transmit the content of this simplified Chinese character version website or its URL to any third party, you agree to forward this Disclaimer Statement at the same time to the third party and guarantee that the third party agrees to accept this Disclaimer Statement before browsing the content of the simplified Chinese character version of this website.

錢家有道網站(www.thechinfamily.hk) 由投資者教育中心(简称本中心)擁有及管理,于本网站免费提供一套繁简字体转换软件(该软件)。本中心允许本网站的使用者利用该软件将本网站内容由繁体中文版转换成为简体中文版。本中心不会就该软件欠妥之处承担任何法律责任,亦不会就其品质及性能作出任何担保;尤其是在无损前述的一般性的原则下,本中心无需就该软件对某用途的恰当性、其品质或可商售性承担任何该等明示或隐含的、法定或非法定的法律责任。

